So on Saturday I had a flash of inspiration and decided that I would spend 36 hours in Dinosaur Provincial Park photographing the landscape and fully immersing myself in the environment. I left town on Sunday night in order to possibly shoot a sunrise so I had a pretty good idea I would not sleep much. This time around I had intended to use as a test to see how I would do and if I could be inspired enough to let my creativity overcome my traditional eye.

It didn't take long before I started to see things differently, not too mention recently learning how monochromatic photography can be your friend during the toughest lighting of the day. It was extremely exciting to photograph the way I saw things and imagined them. I broke a lot of traditional photographic rules and came back with things that I wanted. Once I was in the mode to shoot for myself and not just something marketable, I just became someone else. Time slowed down, shapes and patterns started to emerge, and everything I could see now had an artistic weight to it that gave it balance within the frame.

This was an amazing experience for me and I have a lot of editing to do on the final images so stay tuned for a gallery from this trip. Some of these images here are posted as previews. Click on any image to see it larger.