Seventeen hundred and eighty-nine does not equal sixty. But if you put them together over 5 hours, it sort of does.
At first it doesn't make sense at all. Kind of like two and seven. They are not equal but when you put them together, you get your average week. Now that definitely does not make sense, working 5 days just to have two off. Totally off-balance.
Today, I tried out a new ice climbing partner in Banff. The route, would be high up on Copper Mountain. Just how high up? Well, about a 1789 vertical foot scramble up the east facing draw along the highway. Once there, our ice fall was about 60 feet. Was it worth it? Not at first.
However, once we were there, and climbed it a few times, the sun shining, air warm, and the killer view of the Banff parkway, our equation made sense.
Hard work + exercise + a great view, and a chance to be in the mountains away from the crowds, it made perfect sense.